Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Death of the CD

In response to the recent report about the death of CDs (see below for a rebuttal article published this past week), I decided that I was going to dedicate 2012 to listening to every CD I own over the course of the year! 

Reports Of The Death Of The CD Are Greatly Exaggerated

I have over 450 proper store-released albums on CD, and somewhere around 200 more albums that I burned during a 2-3 year period in my late teens/early twenties.  So without getting into the countless other albums that I own either on cassette, vinyl, or in MP3 format, I will need to listen to just under 2 CDs a day in order to meet my goal. Also, I'm going to try and listen to all of these out loud, instead of always putting on headphones, because I think there really is something to the idea of a shared musical experience, still being engaged with the world (instead of isolated with a set of headphones), and even hearing people's takes on what's playing - even if they hate it!

The larger point surrounding all the talk about the death of the CD is that we live in the MP3 era, in which whole albums have little to no relevance to most consumers. In my opinion, there is nothing better than an album that hits and flows from beginning to end.

I hope to entertain any who stumble across this series, and hopefully garner some respect for the idea of a proper album in this day and age of one-off singles released as MP3s.

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