Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory (Day 26)

"I thought I would be more than this."

The raw voice of Dylan Baldi sings/screams on 'Wasted Days' what I've felt many times before.  His screams at the end of 'No Future/No Past' are likewise very "everyman."  One of my friends, who enjoys things a little more polished, was surprised that I went out and paid money for something that he could have screamed out for free - but the point is not whether he could, but whether he would. I love the first track off of this record. 

I bought when it came out on Tuesday and have been playing it pretty much non-stop all the way through since then.  'Fall In' starts off with a pop/punk feel.  'Our Plans' has a great chorus, with excellent use of antiphony.  The early release songs were what got me really excited for this album.  'Stay Useless' and 'No Sentiment' are the standouts from a good batch of songs.  I hadn't heard anything like these songs in a while and I appreciate how the lead singer called out the current state of indie rock a little bit too.  In that same vein you've got to walk the walk, and Cloud Nothings released a great product to start the genre out on the right foot in 2012. 

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