Friday, January 20, 2012

Dave Matthews Band - Crash (Day 20)

The highlights of the album are definitely 'Crash Into Me', 'Too Much', and 'Tripping Billies'.  'Two Step' has a great jam to start the song, and has almost a bluegrass-type feel to it.  There's some good funk grooves in 'Too Much'.  'Crash Into Me' is always going to be a classic.  I still remember sitting on my couch watching videos all day long in 1998 and seeing that video play multiple times a day. 

I used to break a CD down on its various qualities and one that have always found appealing is one that does not necessarily stand out, or punch you in the gut, from the outset, but goes really well in the background when you are relaxing or hanging out with friends.  This album is perfect for that.

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