Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Built to Spill - You In Reverse (Day 11)

I saw Built to Spill live around the time that this album was released, and really enjoyed witnessing Doug Martsch and his pensive guitar noodling live in concert despite his lack of "typical" stage presence.  During the entire show, my mind kept drifting to the thought that all of his bandmates were gathered around him with a deep, Dude-abiding respect for all that the man is.  That said, when I listen to this album my mind still goes back to that concert and how I pictured the band that night. 

The album starts off great with 'Goin' Against Your Mind'.  Those drums and that Built to Spill guitar sound perfectly encapsulate the vibe that is this band.  'Traces' continues on with some great abstract lyrics.  'Conventional Wisdom' incorporates some great guitar work to start off the song and it's a nice uptempo song situated perfectly in the middle of the album.  'Mess With Time' uses a sludgy guitar sound behind the typical noodling lead guitar to great effect.  All in all, this is not my favorite Built to Spill album, by any stretch, but it is a good solid listen worth any fan's time. 

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