Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cage the Elephant - Thank You Happy Birthday (Day 19)

Cage said when they released this album that they wanted it to sound like a different band was playing on each track since it was basically a compilation of sorts of their various solo pursuits.  Really though, and this is in no way a slam, the album comes across as the best Pixies impersonation ever!  I really like every song on this thing.

The lyrics in 'Always Something' (in the 2nd verse especially) are cool and thought provoking.  'Aberdeen' is great of course! 'Shake Me Down' sounds great in headphones because the beginning of the song starts out with a fuller sound than when I listen to it in the stereo at work.  The sound of the lead singer's voice giving out in 'Sell Yourself' is very post-hardcore and there's an amazing dichotomy between that song and the following track, 'Rubber Ball'.  Coming off the quietness of 'Rubber Ball', 'Right Before My Eyes' sounds like a radio hit - it's a really nice transition.  'Around My Head' is the song that I put on repeat and I knew I was gonna buy this album the first time I heard this song.  'Japanese Buffalo' is a typical buddy-rock song of the ilk that were popular in the middle of the last decade or any decade in the southern rock genre.  'Flow' is a nice ending to an album high on variety and with a perfect mix of loud/soft dynamics.

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