Monday, March 8, 2010

Lil Wayne loves the number 8

The big news today is that Lil Wayne Goes to Prison! I've been seeing a connection for weeks now, so let me just lay out my case about the conspiracy of 8's throughout Lil Wayne's life.

This is crazy! Prepare for your brain to ooze out of your ear.

1) He was sentenced to prison on March 8th.
2) He likely will only serve 8 months.
3) Delayed sentencing by getting 8 root canals.
4) The oral surgery took 8 hours.
5) Sentencing was also delayed b/c of a fire in the courthouse, that injured 8 people.
6) Had 8 Grammy nominations in 2008.
7) There are 8 letters in Lil Wayne.
8) He joined Twitter 8 days before being sentenced. (

My mind is blown.
J.T. Ess

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blender "Isolate" - Meshing all that you loved from the mid 90s with all that you've forgotten you loved from the late 90s

Isolate by Blender is the perfect mix of mid 90s alternative rock and late 90s crunch. Going back and listening to this song never grates on my nerves like others do. Others tried and never quite so perfectly incorporated both worlds into one song (i.e. Finger Eleven, Oleander, etc).

The vocals in Isolate are right on the money - just enough strain to satisfy... without any annoyance. The guitars & drums contain just enough head-banging grooves to make you think for a second that maybe you should pull all of those old late 90s rock CDs back out for another listen (hint: don't do it). I love the guitar in the beginning, and I don't know if I am just allowing my mind to go wander b/c of this video.. but that beginning always sets up a mood/story that has a certain insistency to it.

Seriously, check out Blender "Isolate"...

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